The First Annual BIDS Awards

by Meryl Carver-Allmond, BIDS Training Director

Our first four BIDS Awards honorees were chosen from over 40 nominees. From a chief who regularly cheers her office up by wearing a pirate hat, to an investigator who went the extra mile for a client in crisis, to all manner of public defense staff and attorneys who performed their jobs admirably through a global pandemic — there was a lot to celebrate this year within BIDS. Congrats to this year’s honorees and be sure to check out our tribute videos for each one below!

Compassion for Clients: Isaiah Roby, Office Manager, Third Judicial District Public Defender Office

This award is for a colleague who has gone above and beyond to help or support either an individual client or our clients generally.

Excellence in Written Advocacy: Kai Mann, Assistant Appellate Defender

This award is for a colleague who has written a fierce motion or a concise, spot-on brief that eloquently sets out why their client should win their case.

Teamwork Award: Bach Hang, Deputy Public Defender, Sedgwick County Public Defender Office

This award is for a colleague who is constantly lifting others up and promoting teamwork in public defense.

Zealous Advocacy: Jennifer Roth, Deputy Appellate Defender

This award will go to a colleague who, win or lose, went to the mat for a client with hard work, creative advocacy, and sheer nerve.


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